Nancy White (2006) defined blogging communities as online communities that exist to connect people to blogs and bloggers to other bloggers. These communities are formed by people of similar interests joining together to share their passions. Some examples of these communities are, Nuffnag and MyBlogLog.

Creating Blogging Communites:

According to Vinson (2006), blogging communities are created through comments left at blogs, hyperlinks connecting the blogs to other sites and shared language.Kirkpatrick (2006) says that it is a social networking system which allows people to connect to one another and gain further information on them and their blogs. An example of a well known blogging community is MyBlogLog.

(Source: 2009)

Here are some steps to get your started:

  1. Register at, add a photo and set up your profile.
  2. As you visit MyBlogLog-enabled sites, your photo shows up on the widget - a virtual calling card. Clicking on your photo leads to your profile and all the stuff you share.
  3. Add community to your blog. Check your stats, see what people read and where they went next.
  4. Play host to your most recent readers and the returning faithful. (MyBlogLog 2009)


Kirkpatrick, M 2006, MyBlogLog: Readers Network Around Their Favorite Blogs, TechCrunch viewed on 18 November 2009, <>.

Vinson, J 2006, Blogging and communities, Blogspot, viewed 18 November 2009, <>.

White, N 2006, 'Blogs and Community – launching a new paradigm for online community?', The Knowledge Tree, viewed 18 November, <>.

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