Blogs are web-based platforms for authors to express their thoughts and opinions on any subject matter that is of interest to them. Although blogs have existed since the mid-90s, it is only recently that the blogging phenomenon has exploded to the size it is today (Blood 2000). So much so that it is getting increasingly difficult to pinpoint the exact number and types of blogs that now exist. However, sites like Technorati make an attempt to do so.

The blogging trend is sweeping through the continents at a pace never seen before. According to the Blog Herald, in 2005, there were a total of 62.66 million blogs in existence. Of these:

US/ Canada/ UK/ Australia/ NZ - 36.2 million
Asia - 24.35 million
Europe – 2 million

Why we Blog?

(Source: 2008)

There are many reasons for blogging. In Europe, most blogs are based on topics such as the environment, music and wildlife rather than personal blogs (Best European Blogs 2007). On the other hand, in Asian countries, political, social and personal blogs are the current trend for blogging. In Malaysia particularly, political blogs make up almost 20% of all local blogs (Collette 2006).

Benefits of Blogging in Malaysia
Businesses and private companies use blogs to promote their products and services to a larger online audience. This in turn allows people easy accessibility to information that might be of use to them. One such example is Business Mentors.

(Source: businessmentors.blogspot 2006)

During elections, members of political parties use blogs in hopes of reaching mass audiences. Lim Kit Siang's blog is one such example:

(Source: 2009)

Blogs have now grown to cover almost all aspects of our lives and these are just some of the blogs available.


‘Best European Blogs’ 2007, viewed 16 November 2009, <> .

Blood, R 2000, ‘Weblogs: A History and Perspective’, Rebecca's Pocket, viewed 15 November 2009,

Collette, M 2006, Blogging Phenomenon Sweeps Asia, Microsoft, viewed 30 April 2008, <>.

World Wide Blog Count for May: Now Over 60 million Blogs, Blog Herald, viewed 16 November 2009, <>.

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